Workshops, Groups, Retreats

Here is a list of exciting things that are in the works! More information will be coming soon and will be posted on the blog front page so you don't miss it.  Be sure to e-mail subscribe so you can keep informed.




CREATIVE CONNECTIONS WITH GOD: spiritual formation through creative expression 
(for individuals who work in the helping professions)

April 28, 2012 
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

As helping professionals, so often we give and give of ourselves, we hear and see darkness and difficulty day in and day out. This can leave us feeling a void or distance from the One who truly heals those we care for.

This 3-hour small-group workshop, specifically designed for individuals in the helping professions, is designed to engage up to twelve participants in a creative process that can bring insight and perspective to each individual's unique issues and struggles - whether related to your work or not.

Using a combination of artistic expression and journaling, the process seeks to increase the participant's inner awareness and spiritual discernment of God's presence in the midst of his/her life circumstances. This workshop provides an opportunity for reflection, worship, creative activity, and group process.

Healthy snacks, coffee and water will be provided.


SOULFIRMATIONS create notes of affirmation that speak to your soul and can be carried with you anywhere for an instant pick-me-up that goes straight to your heart

JOY! a time of emotional and spiritual renewal through multi-media creative expressions

CREATIVE JOURNALING utilizing found objects and art supplies, we will create a creative journal that you can continue using throughout the year


As helping professionals, so often we give and give of ourselves, we hear and see darkness and difficulty day in and day out. This can leave us feeling a void or distance from the One who truly heals those we care for.
This 3-hour small-group workshop, specifically designed for individuals in the helping professions, is designed to engage up to twelve participants in a creative process that can bring insight and perspective to each individual's unique issues and struggles - whether related to your work or not.
Using a combination of artistic expression and journaling, the process seeks to increase the participant's inner awareness and spiritual discernment of God's presence in the midst of their life circumstances. This workshop is conducted in a contemplative style, with opportunity for reflection, worship, creative activity, and group process.
Be assured that as with any group or workshop conducted at Tall Oak Counseling Center and Journeys of Hope Counseling, your participation in the group will remain confidential unless you provide written consent for your review, feedback or artistic expression to be shared publically.

Healthy snacks, coffee and water will be provided.